You should have finished your reception.
Please wait called your name.
It is quite long time.
Finally it was called.
There is one more thing.
Japanese original culture "naka-machiai" !!
Said "Please waiting naka-machiai"
There are a lot of them here, they are called in order.
Once your name is called again.
At last Your turn!!
See a doctor
In many hospital is like this.As far as I find, other countries are alike.
The patients sits on reclining sofa.
Very comfortable!!
Sorry, a story will return.
It is important to communicate correctly.
Again, please use Japanese translation application, and body language is also important.
Or illustration is all right.
Consultation time is a few minutes.
When the consultation is over.
Japanese general hospital leave the room and go to waiting room again.Please go to reception desk when called your name.
You pay the fee, and get prescription.
In many hospitals, hospital and pharmacies separate building.
In case of Miyako-internal-medicine.
Please stay in the room.Doctor.Ishiguro bring you medicine.
We are different stile Other hospital.
You only wait relax and slowly in the room.
Because you sick with pain.
The cheerful person moves.
By the way, fee too.
1, When you finished reception, waiting in the waiting room.2, Your name called, go to "nakamachiai" .
3, In "nakamachiai",your name called, your turn.
4, When you finished consultation, go to reception.
5, Please get prescription and pay the fee.
Please be aware that there is "nakamachiai".
Thank you for reading.