
How to moisturize when moisturizers don't agree with you.

For those who want to moisturize but find moisturizers itchy.

Winters in Japan are very dry.
Therefore, it is important to protect the skin by applying moisturizer, though.
Here is what to do if you get itchy when you apply moisturizer.
Allergies are the most common cause of itching from moisturizers.
This is also known as urticaria.

Allergy is an inflammation.
If you apply something to an inflamed area, it will make the inflammation worse.

What to do for now if you itch after applying moisturizer.

First, wash off the moisturizer with water.
Cool it with water for a while.
When the itching subsides, do not apply anything.
If the itching does not go away, consult a doctor.
Since you are allergic, see an allergy doctor.

How to care for those who cannot use moisturizers.

At the drugstore, show the product below to the clerk.

Astragalus membranaceus lotion and white vaseline.
These are simple to make and less irritating.
If you do not have the same one.
Show the clerk the image below.

Please buy what the store brings you.
The contents are the cheapest wheatgrass lotion and white vaseline, written in Japanese.

How to use wheatgrass lotion and white vaseline.

Take this wheat lotion and apply it to your face, hands and feet.
This will rehydrate the skin.

Put some white Vaseline on your fingers and apply it to your face, hands and feet, placing it at key points.
If it is too hard to apply, apply the wheat lotion again over the white Vaseline.

This way, the white Vaseline will be applied evenly.
Now you are done.

Astragalus membranaceus lotion is used to moisturize the skin and white vaseline is used to cover the skin.
However, this may cause itching in some people.
In that case, consult a doctor.

Thank you for coming to Japan.
I hope that I can be of some help to you.